Saturday, October 1, 2011

What to do with everything

Now this is usually a huge process. What do you do with everything? I think this is something everyone deals with differently. For us we moved into a new place 12 days before he passed away. Elias and our oldest shared a room so he didn't have a nursery set up. Yes he had a crib but he never slept in it. So we didn't even have to think about what to do with his nursery. I kept the crib up for a week or two but it had no sentimental value to us since it was karters crib and like I said he never slept in it.(he was a co-sleeper ;))

He had many clothes and toys and we kept everything knowing we would have more kids. The glow worm that you see in many pictures and even in the photos at the hospital we buried with him and the outfit we chose for him to wear was the outfit he's wearing in my profile picture. We gave my brothers each an outfit to keep and I kept out a few things like the blanket he was wrapped in till the funeral home came and got him and a little jacket. These are the only two things no one else has used. I know it's probably not the normal but hey what's normal, I let a lot of my friends borrow his clothes and then once Tidus was born we got a lot of new clothes too. This might sound weird but I loved seeing my friends babies wearing an "Elias" outfit as we called it, and I think it was special for them too. He touched a lot of people's lives in his short time and I loved being able to share anything that belonged to him.

We still have a lot of his stuff because we just had our last baby and we are still using it. I actually just pulled out his stroller and have been using it for the baby and it makes me smile seeing her in it. I also have one out fit that Elias was known for at church, it was his red outfit from the gap. It was so soft and everyone also talked about it and just the other day I put Francesca in it and she was one smilie baby that day. I love having those connections with each baby, but it really comes down to what makes you comfortable. Not everyone will be able to let their other children wear the same clothes and especially other people's kids. That's why this is such a personal decision. There is not right way or wrong way, it's whatever you need to do to get you through living after a loss.

God Bless

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