Sunday, September 25, 2011

The funeral: it is ok to be annoyed!

Let me just start by saying we were and still are so thankful for everyone that came to the funeral and/or sent cards and gifts. It's probably one of the most uncomfortable and heart breaking things to be a visitor at a funeral or showing. That being said it is still natural to be annoyed by people who are clueless on how to act in this setting, so do not feel guilty about these overwhelming emotions. Unfortunately there isnt a funeral edicit class. I always thought it would be a great idea to make a book about this. Things that should not be done or said to someone after a loss or while someone is very sick. Please feel free to add down in the comments some of your experiences. Don't worry you are not alone. Let the top 10 begin!

#1- please do not think you are putting anything in my sons casket without my permission.
#2- It might be a good idea to see us before going back to the food that's for the family. It's not a party!
#3- don't bring your kids (unless it's family) to a child's funeral.
#4- don't ask me how I am doing! It's a funeral (I told my grandma the night after having the showing all day, "if one more person asks me how I'm doing I'm going to punch them" she then gives me a hug and asked, "how are you doing?" with a smile on her face.
#5- When sending grieving books, do not send ones about miscarriages. (I will say this again, very thankful for those who thought of us enough to send us a gift. So don't get me wrong, but the last thing I wanted to read about is someone losing a baby at 8 weeks pregnant. I am not saying it's not a huge loss for someone but just different.)
#6- don't hug someone very tight who is drying up from nursing. (Oh it hurt so much!!!)
#7- people need to shower before attending a showing! (it gets crowded, just saying)
#8- do not comment on how you wouldn't be able to get out of bed if that was you!
#9- please don't tell me after seeing we had a open casket how I should have cremated him and turned him into a diamond.
#10- please oh please don't ask this to anyone else ever again, "are you going to stay together still?"

Like I said before I don't want my blog to be sad, because I wouldn't want my life any other way. Sometimes you have to laugh about crazy things that happened even though at the time I was so mad and annoyed by them. All of your feelings are natural so never listen to anyone that is telling you that you are doing it wrong. There is no wrong, it's called living after a loss.

God Bless


  1. Oh Kele!!! The whole time I was reading this only two things came out of my mouth: "haha" and "ohhh" I'm so sorry people can be so clueless!! I am ashamed to say that my M.O. During that time for you guys was avoidance. I literally did not know what to do for you. P.s. I love the blog!! You picked the same format as my coupon blog! Great minds think alike! Miss you friend!!
    Love ya!


  2. Beautiful Kele. I've prayed for your family many times since I learned of your son's passing. Thanks for sharing your story and I will check back soon.

    Sara Klingman
